We lead the software technology outsourcing market by providing our clients with IT development and high-end software solutions. With our help, you will accomplish even the most demanding projects.



Unit 303, 3rd-Floor, TOWER-B, Bestech Business Tower, Punjab 160066


+91 7340885700

Exploring Life at Miracle Group

Miracle Group serves as a technology consulting and software delivery ally.

Established in the USA in 1999 as a software development firm, our team now includes over 200 skilled professionals. We offer comprehensive services that span the entire project lifecycle, delivering customized solutions to clients worldwide.

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Trusted By


We engage, consult, craft, and implement

top-tier, intuitive IT solutions for our clients using agile methodologies. Leveraging established frameworks, we’ve developed numerous software products for both small-to-medium enterprises and major industry leaders, including Fortune 500 firms.
Our philosophy centers on a ‘people-first’ approach, which we believe is essential for our clients’ success. This is affirmed by the high satisfaction rates of both our clients and employees, who value our proactive, collaborative stance. We continually track and analyze these satisfaction metrics, making them a cornerstone of our business performance indicators.

Years of Pioneering Solutions
Skilled Professionals
Projects Successfully Deployed
Countries Worldwide
Client Satisfaction Rating

We Thrive on Collaboration and Innovation

Our commitment is to foster an environment where creativity flourishes and individual voices are heard.
Here’s what stands at the core of our daily operations.

Our mission is encapsulated by the phrase:

Exceptional Solutions… because we value every team member.

Openness and Continuous Learning

We maintain transparency with frequent management updates, ensuring everyone is informed about the company's progress. Our platform encourages all employees to freely share insights and inquiries, promoting an open dialogue.

Team Dynamics and Leadership Support

We rejoice in our achievements and view every setback as a learning opportunity. Our leaders are accessible and supportive, ensuring they're present whenever needed to guide and assist the team.

Culture of Constructive Feedback

Bi-annual reviews allow team members to align their objectives and receive feedback, helping them recognize their strengths and areas for improvement. We prize thoughtful and beneficial feedback that promotes growth and development.

Clear Paths for Advancement

Employees have clear visibility into their career trajectories and potential advancements within the company, supported by a transparent annual salary review process.

Diverse Opportunities for Professional Development

Employees have the chance to engage with various technologies and client projects. For those interested in exploring different roles or specialties, we offer pathways to facilitate these transitions.

Responsiveness to Change

Our management is approachable, ready to discuss any concerns—from career aspirations to personal well-being—ensuring all voices are heard and acted upon.

Flexible and Empowering Work Environment

We support remote work, choice of tools, and personalized workspace setups, empowering our staff to excel in their roles and achieve personal and professional objectives.

Supportive Cross-Functional Teams

Our support teams in HR, IT, and accounting are always ready to assist, ensuring that help is just a ticket or conversation away.

Vibrant Team Atmosphere

We cultivate a spirit of camaraderie and support. At our core, we are a family that supports and uplifts each other, creating a nurturing atmosphere where everyone can thrive because, at the end of the day, we are the heartbeat of our company!

Prioritizing Excellence – How Do We Define Success?

What does prioritizing excellence mean for us? It signifies that quality and attention to detail are at the core of everything we do, and we favor sustainable solutions over temporary fixes.

Our commitment is to excel – as a top employer and as an outstanding service provider.

Our track record indicates that when standards are high and the focus is on excellence, our team delivers exceptional results – directly benefiting our clients’ objectives.

How do we ensure continuous excellence? We assess our performance continuously, ensuring we always lead with our best.

Partner, Not Just a Vendor

At Miracle Group, we view ourselves as your partner rather than just a vendor. This partnership ethos means we share a mutual understanding and common goals, particularly in achieving software quality assurance. Unlike typical vendors who may prioritize completing projects per written guidelines, our approach focuses on strong collaboration and crafting high-quality solutions that add significant business value.

This relationship allows us to not only meet but exceed expectations, setting us apart in the industry.

Your Global Software Development Ally

Our commitment to strong partnerships extends across borders, time zones, and cultural differences, making us a reliable part of our clients’ overseas operations. Many of our Offshore Development Centers (ODCs) successfully function as integral IT departments or R&D centers due to our dedicated and friendly approach. By implementing Agile methodologies, we ensure that our teams work closely with clients, involving them daily to achieve the best outcomes and fostering long-term, productive relationships.

Moreover, our quality guarantee means clients are involved in every step, with the flexibility to waive costs for any phase that does not meet their satisfaction.

We’ve successfully delivered over…
200 projects for more than 100 worldwide clients.
Clients have been with us for more than five years.
Recognized as “Leaders in Indian Software Development.”
Our team’s stability is proven with only a 7% employee turnover rate in 2023 well below the 15% industry average.
Founded in
Celebrating over 25 years of excellence in the industry.
We boast a team of 20+ experts in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
30 Senior Software Developers drive our core development efforts.
Our team includes 25+ specialists in Business Analysis and User Experience Design.
10 Cybersecurity professionals ensure our solutions are safe and secure.

Pioneering Success Through Flexibility

In the fast-paced world of digital innovation, agility is more than a method—it’s a core philosophy. We excel by adapting quickly to the ever-changing tech environment, knowing that true success hinges on our ability to pivot and respond with speed.

Our commitment to an agile approach touches every part of our operations, from project management to the development of groundbreaking solutions, ensuring we always lead the technological forefront.

How Can
We Help?

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