We lead the software technology outsourcing market by providing our clients with IT development and high-end software solutions. With our help, you will accomplish even the most demanding projects.



Unit 303, 3rd-Floor, TOWER-B, Bestech Business Tower, Punjab 160066


+91 7340885700

Transforming Tech Delivery: Elevate Your Global Capability Center

Our Global Capability Center is designed to be a strategic delivery unit where you achieve unparalleled tech delivery excellence. Supported by our expertise in managing team dynamics, skills, administration, IT, finance, and operational processes, the Global Capability Center enhances your technical delivery capabilities and ensures operational excellence across the board. By entrusting us with the intricacies of managing talent, engagement, skill development, and overall operations, you’re free to concentrate on the core aspects of product engineering. This significantly reduces the operational, infrastructure, and management overheads that can distract from your primary objectives.

Global Capability Centre

Trusted By

Global Capability Centre

Transforming Product Engineering and Operations with a Global Capability Center

Our commitment lies in empowering your product engineering through dynamic operations, collaboration, innovation, and technology deployment. We tailor our services to streamline your Global Capability Center’s functions, making it a strategic hub. With full control over tech delivery, we support talent management, engagement, skill enhancement, and training. Our flexible engagement models, including offshore, onsite, and hybrid teams, adapt to your evolving needs, ensuring your Global Capability Center operates at peak efficiency.

Key Advantages of Global Capability Center

Seeking innovative approaches to enhance efficiency and foster expansion? Look no further than GCC.

  • Strengthened Operational Resilience
  • Risk Management
  • Global Delivery Model
  • Tailored Talent Access
  • Streamlined Business Functions
  • Risk Diversification
  • Cost Reduction
  • Centralized Knowledge
  • Office Infrastructure

Managed by Us, Tailored for You.

  • Shortened Recruitment Timelines (Approx. 2 weeks), Typically 3-6 months
  • Bench & Talent Pool Oversight.
  • Swift Team Scaling Up | Down
  • Training & Skill Development Management.
  • Proficient Trainers | Internal Skill Growth
  • Knowledge Preservation & Management.
  • Tool & Process Adherence
  • Performance Management & Employee Feedback.
  • Surveys | 360-Degree Approach
  • Employee Retention Management.
  • Retention Tactics | Training Initiatives

We Establish, Govern & Enhance Your Ideal Team within a Global Capability Center, Equipping You with Comprehensive Capabilities.

Powered by capacity enhancement, leadership cultivation, and inclusivity, our Global Capability Center framework strategically empowers product companies with exceptional tech teams to achieve remarkable product engineering milestones. By handling non-tech tasks, we ensure your focus remains on innovation and excellence. Our Global Capability Center takes care of the rest!

Technology & Innovation.

– Research & Development

– Advanced Research Initiatives

– Prototype and Concept Development

– Technology Trend Analysis

– Early-Stage Technology Testing

– Technology Scouting and Evaluation

– Technology Strategy and Consulting

– Tech Roadmap Creation

– Tech Stack Evaluation and Recommendation

– Technology Adoption Workshops

– Blockchain, AI, IoT Exploration

– Feasibility Studies for New Tech

Talent Sourcing & Ramp Up.

– On-Demand Expertise Access

– Rapid Skill Augmentation

– Dedicated Resource Allocation

– Skill Assessment & Progress Tracking

– Collaborative Skill Sharing

– Skill Mapping

Digital Transformation & Strategy.

– Digital Maturity Evaluation

– Transformation Roadmap Development

– Business Impact Analysis

– Process Mapping and Analysis

– Workflow Automation Solutions

– Bottleneck Identification and Resolution

– Lean and Six Sigma Implementation

– Key Milestone and Timeline Definition

– Resource Allocation and Budgeting

– KPIs and Success Metrics Formulation

– Training for Cultural Transformation

– IT Governance Framework Establishment

Product Engineering & Deployment.

– Product Architecture Design

– Microservices & APIs Design

– Feature Prioritization

– UI/UX Design and Prototyping

– DevOps, DevSecOps, AiDevOps

– Integration Patterns and Middleware

– Sprint Planning and Backlog Management

– Cross-Functional Collaboration Facilitation

– Automated Testing Frameworks

– Product Delivery via Project Acceptance Team

Data Analytics & Insights.

– Data-Driven Decision Dashboards

– Predictive and Prescriptive Analysis

– Data Modeling and Machine Learning

– Pattern Recognition and Forecasting

– Anomaly Detection and Prevention

– Customer Behavior Prediction

– Data-Enabled Scenario Analysis

– Customized Data Reports

– Risk and Opportunity Assessment

– Data Privacy and Security Measures

Market Insights & Expansion.

– Competitive Landscape Assessment

– Customer Segmentation

– User Persona Mapping

– SWOT Analysis for Competitors

– Cultural Sensitivity Guidance

– Global User Experience Enhancement

– Product Localization

– Added Hyper-Local Value Proportions

A Journey from Concept to Implementation

Transform your ideas into impactful solutions through a structured, creative, and technologically advanced approach





Introduction & Onboarding
  • Establishing Stakeholders
  • Introduction Sessions between Teams
  • Facilitating Team Building Meetings & Engagement
  • SDU Setup at Miracle Office
  • Understanding Operational & Management Expectations
Operating Procedures
  • Establishing Policies and Processes
  • Defining Methodologies
  • Setting up Escalation Channels
  • Developing Review & Governance Models
  • Implementing Reporting Mechanisms
  • Ensuring Quality Standards
Pilot Delivery
  • Conducting Pilot Operations based on SOPs
  • Collaborating with Onsite Teams
  • Reviewing & Validating Processes
  • Identifying Corrective Actions if Necessary
Ongoing Delivery Opportunities
  • Miracle assists in managing offshore delivery operations
  • Miracle ensures HR & administration

Who Benefits from Our Services?

For software product development services

Global Capability Centre

High-Growth Tech Startups

Transform their ideas into tangible products with a global workforce adaptable to project needs.

Global Capability Centre

Enterprise Product Companies

Utilize GCC's standardized processes for streamlined collaboration among dispersed teams.

Global Capability Centre

Market-Constrained Mature Products

Scale development and engineering operations with a diverse talent pool to meet evolving demands.

Partner with Us

Our Global Capability Center encompasses various facets including research, product conceptualization, design, architecture selection, development strategy, product localization, customization, implementation, and maintenance. We build products with controlled inflow and outflow of global talent.

// latest case studies

Introduce Our Projects

We’ve exceled our experience in a wide range of industries to bring valuable insights and provide our customers.

How Can
We Help?

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