We lead the software technology outsourcing market by providing our clients with IT development and high-end software solutions. With our help, you will accomplish even the most demanding projects.



Unit 303, 3rd-Floor, TOWER-B, Bestech Business Tower, Punjab 160066

+91 7340885700

Recruit Data Scientists

Our team of data scientists possesses practical expertise in utilizing contemporary programming languages, algorithms, neural networks, and statistical techniques to transform raw data into valuable insights. Consider hiring our data scientists to adeptly prepare your data for modeling, exploration, analysis, and visualization.

Enjoy savings of up to 40% on Development, Maintenance, and Support costs.

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The Services Provided by Our Data Scientists

At Miracle Group, we boast a team of skilled data science engineers who excel in tackling the complexities presented by data volume, speed, diversity, and accuracy. You can enlist the services of our data scientists to craft a strategy that aligns seamlessly with your specific business requirements.

Engage the services of a data scientist to evaluate your current data infrastructure, assess data origins, and delve into data repositories. They will assist you in selecting the optimal platform for overseeing your data architecture, implementing an efficient data pipeline construction approach, identifying practical methods for data cleansing, processing, and transformation, and ultimately extracting meaningful insights from your data.

Our team comprises proficient data science experts with extensive experience in collecting data. They possess specialized training and exceptional skills for effectively navigating through various types and volumes of data. When you hire our data science developers, you're enlisting individuals with significant expertise in web research and the use of advanced technologies and tools, ensuring the acquisition of the substantial data needed to deliver valuable insights.

Bring in a data scientist to handle the crucial task of data preparation, which plays a pivotal role in training machine learning models. Our experienced senior data scientists will conduct assessments to ensure data quality by eliminating inconsistencies in data types and rectifying anomalies. Additionally, they will eliminate noise, reduce data volume, and undertake comprehensive data transformation.

Data modeling forms the foundation of data management, and our team of data architects specializes in creating visual representations of data sets and their relevance to your business. Hire a data scientist to construct conceptual, logical, and physical data models using precise tools and suitable data modeling techniques.

Choose our top-tier data scientists to assist you in constructing data warehouses employing various methodologies, including the Kimball approach, Inmon method, Data Vault modeling, or the CDP/DMP approach if you operate within the Adtech sector. Our skilled data scientists will establish infrastructure layers like OLTP and ODS, whether in a cloud or on-premises environment, to set up your data warehousing solution.

With our expertise in data visualization, we are dedicated to converting intricate data insights into visually engaging presentations. Our team of data scientists excels in the art of data visualization. Employ full-time data scientists who will simplify your ability to convey data-driven discoveries, effortlessly identify patterns, relationships, trends, and outliers within extensive datasets.

Training data is a crucial component of data science, demanding the expertise of experienced and highly skilled data scientists. We utilize initial data to train machine learning models, enabling them to establish and enhance their decision-making criteria. Our data scientists follow a continuous learning approach similar to how humans learn, utilizing both labeled and unlabeled data to kickstart supervised, unsupervised, and hybrid learning models.

Creating and deploying a machine learning model requires a certain level of expertise and skill. Consider hiring our top-tier data science developers who specialize in constructing machine learning models for tasks such as classification, clustering, natural language processing, and forecasting. These models are designed not only to learn and evolve but also to adapt and refine themselves over time. Additionally, our experts are well-equipped to train and implement these models, ensuring the achievement of the expected outcomes.

Once our machine learning model is deployed, our team of data scientists will promptly identify any anomalies and take necessary actions to address them. They will also pinpoint any underperforming subsegments and thoroughly assess all pertinent metrics for gauging the ML algorithm's performance. If you need expert data scientists who excel in optimizing ML models by adjusting hyperparameters to achieve the desired level of performance, look no further than our team.

Our highly skilled team of data science developers excels in statistical analysis. They can construct intricate statistical models to examine datasets and provide comprehensive insights. When you hire offshore data scientists from us, they will create statistical models capable of uncovering relationships between variables, predicting patterns and trends in data, making forecasts, and presenting data in a user-friendly manner.

Recruit a Data Scientist to Expand Your Data Science Services.

Every data scientist at Miracle Group practices three key virtues: Responsibility, Authenticity, and Accountability. When you hire a Data Science developer from us, you’ll gain access to their expanded skill set and benefit from our comprehensive range of data science services.

Preparing Data

Exploring and Cleaning Data

Moving Data

Labeling Data

Annotating Data

Converting Data

Interpreting Data

Mining Data

Discovering Data

Transforming Data

Aggregating Data

Storing Data

Integrating Data

Analyzing Data

Creating Models

Optimizing Models

Techniques and Instruments Utilized by Our Committed Data Scientists

Statistical Programming Tools

SPSS Statistics | RStudio | JMP | Minitab Statistical Software | EViews | OriginPro | Stata | Base SAS | TIMi | SuiteOrange | GraphPad Prism | Stat Graphics | XLSTAT | Wolfram Mathematica

Supervised Learning Techniques

Regression | Logistic Regression | Classification | Naive Bayes Classifiers | Decision Trees | Linear Regression | Ridge & Lasso Regression | K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) | Random Forest | Ada-Boost | Logistic Regression | Support Vector Machines | Gradient Boosting | XGBoost

Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

Clustering | Hierarchical Clustering | Probabilistic Clustering | K-means Clustering | K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) | Principal Component Analysis (PCA) | Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) | Independent Component Analysis (ICA) | Stochastic Gradient | Apriori Algorithm | Isolation Forest | Affinity Propagation |

Artificial Neural Networks

Ccomprising LSTM and GRU variants | Autoencoders | Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) | Deep Q-Networks (DQN) | and Bayesian Deep Learning | are key components of modern machine learning.

The Cutting-Edge Technology Stack Employed by Our Data Scientists

We employ top-notch tools, cutting-edge technologies, and contemporary strategies to enhance the growth of your business.


Python | Python 3 | TypeScript | SQL | C++ | JavaScript | C# | CoffeeScript | Julia | R | Java | Scala | Swift | Go | Bash


SolarWinds | Datadog | AquaFold | SentryOne | Navicat | SQLRazor | MySQL | TeamDesk | TablePlus | SequelPro | Knack | Oracle RDBMS | FileMaker | Couchbase

Web Scraping

Bright Data | Apify | Oxylabs | Zenscrape | Scraper API | Scrapestack | Scrapingbee | SCRAPEOWL | Agenty | Import.io | Nutch | Watir-Celerity | UIPath | Diffbot | Mozenda

Web Scraping

Bright Data | Apify | Oxylabs | Zenscrape | Scraper API | Scrapestack | Scrapingbee | SCRAPEOWL | Agenty | Import.io | Nutch | Watir-Celerity | UIPath | Diffbot | Mozenda

Data Analytics & Visualization

Datapine | RStudio | Python | MySQL | SAS | Erwin | Talend | Jenkins | Apache Spark | Microsoft Excel | RapidMiner | OpenRefine | HighCharts | Power BI | Tableau | Qlik | Sisense | Redash | Jupyter Notebook | Chartio | Looker | Domo

Machine Learning

TensorFlow | IBM Watson Studio | Amazon Lex | Microsoft Azure Machine Learning | OpenNN | Auto-WEKA | Datawrapper | Google Cloud AutoML | Amazon Machine Learning | MLJAR | Tableau | PyTorch | Apache Mahout | Keras | Shogun | RapidMiner | Neural Designer | Scikit-learn | KNIME | Spell


Zoho Analytics | HubSpot Marketing Analytics | Integrate.io | FineReport | Query.me | Answer Rocket | SAP Crystal Reports | Izenda Reports | DBxtra | Datadog | BIRT | KNIME | GoodData | Phocas | Microsoft Power BI | Whatagraph | Oribi | Juicebox

Project Management Tools

Jira | Trello | Slack | Asana | Azure DevOps | Hubstaff Tasks |

Communication Tools

Slack | Hangout


Google Meet | Zoom | GotoMeeting

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We make sure that you are connected with the appropriate talent according to your needs

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We assure your guaranteed success!

We expedite the launch of digital products while ensuring your success.
We employ Slack, Jira, and GitHub for precise deployment and efficient communication.

Our Success Stories with Customers

Explore these impressive machine learning solutions we’ve developed for our esteemed clients to address real-world issues and assist them in overcoming startup obstacles.


Project -1

Core Technologies – UiPath | AI | OCR

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Project -1


Project -2

 Core Technologies – BluePrism | Kofax | AmazonLex

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Project -3


Project -3

Core Technologies – Automation Anywhere | Keras | Flask | React

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Project -2

Our Amazing Customer Success Stories

Explore these impressive machine learning solutions we’ve developed for our esteemed clients to address real-world issues and assist them in overcoming startup obstacles.


Project -1

Core Technologies – Python | PowerBI | JupyterNotebook

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. 



Project -2

Core Technologies – Python | PowerBI | JupyterNotebook

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. 



Project -3

Core Technologies – Python | NLP | Flask

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Project -3

Leading Industries Choose to Employ Data Science Developers from Our Team

Predictive Analytics

Utilize current data to anticipate and prevent potential issues in advance. Predictive analytics aids in managing issues such as overproduction, downtime, logistics, inventory, and related challenges before they arise.

Optimizing Your Supply Chain

Our supply chain optimization services enable you to anticipate and proactively address potential delays and complex issues. Our team of data scientists will assist you in identifying alternative suppliers and crafting contingency strategies.

Utilizing Anomaly Detection

Employ remote data scientists to construct anomaly detection models. These models provide valuable insights into product quality by comparing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) against predetermined thresholds, statistical guidelines, and ideal patterns.

Transforming Healthcare with Medical Imaging

The field of Medical Imaging is ushering in a healthcare revolution, enabling in-depth anatomical analysis and delivering precise disease diagnoses. Consider hiring a data scientist today to harness the power of data science in advancing medical knowledge and practice.

Drug Discovery

Data science and machine learning algorithms streamline the drug discovery process from the outset of initial drug chemistry testing to forecasting its success rate through the generation of computer-based simulations.

Predicting Diseases

Our team of data scientists creates models that analyze historical healthcare data, study genomic structures, and assess clinical vulnerabilities to predict the development of specific diseases.

Utilize recommendation engines

developed by data experts to grasp customer preferences and provide a tailored shopping experience by suggesting highly personalized products.

Sentiment and Behavior Analysis

Engage data science developers to construct and train sentiment analysis models. Swiftly categorize and examine consumer conduct by extracting subjective insights from unprocessed data through text mining.

Personalized Customer Experience

Let our team of remote data scientists take the reins in constructing, executing, and overseeing AI and ML models designed to discern your customers’ desires and requirements. We’ll assist you in achieving hyper-personalization for your customer experiences, ensuring more meaningful interactions.

Operational Analytics

 Leverage our operational analytics skills to build statistical models for analyzing simulated future data, fact-based modeling, and implementing real-time interactions to make instant decisions.

Fraud Detection

Utilize statistical analysis, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) models to detect and thwart fraudulent activities, thereby mitigating financial losses. Our fraud detection models swiftly adapt and evolve alongside emerging fraud patterns as they gain new insights from data.

Managing Financial Risks

Employ data scientists to detect and control financial risks effectively. Enhance profitability and minimize losses by enabling them to create Financial Risk Management models capable of evaluating risks at all phases of the financial cycle.

Autonomous Vehicles

Enable our team of data scientists to create algorithms that improve the identification of specific objects and enable autonomous vehicles to learn from them. Empower them to transform real-world driving experiences into actionable data.

Optimize Your Routes with Cutting-Edge Technology

Get in touch with us to harness the power of advancing technologies such as data science and applied engineering. We specialize in crafting a route optimization algorithm that takes a three-dimensional approach and offers state-of-the-art route mapping capabilities.

Analyzing Driver Behavior Through Advanced Data Analytics

We aim to explore and assess machine learning and deep learning techniques for the comprehensive analysis of extensive vehicular data. Our goal is to develop a highly accurate driver behavior analytics model that can find applications in various contexts.

Demand Forecasting

Engage the services of a data scientist to create demand forecasting models and analyze both unstructured data and data generated by accounts and sales. This will provide you with a holistic understanding of your manufacturing process.

Streamline Processes

Streamline operations with minimal human involvement by utilizing a set of predefined process parameters and advanced data science technology. Improve reaction yield, performance, and product selectivity.

Time Series Forecasting

Our data scientists have developed time series forecasting models based on thorough analysis and evidence-based prior information, enabling us to make accurate scientific predictions using historical or timestamped data.

Why Choose a Data Scientist from Miracle Group?

At Miracle Group, we boast a dedicated team of top-tier data scientists who are experts in interconnected technologies and data management. Our data science consultants are not only highly experienced but also deeply passionate about their work. They have honed their skills in data science and related architectural aspects over time.

If you’re seeking to hire freelance data scientists or offshore data science talent, your search ends here. We provide you with the opportunity to hire a data science developer or a complete team, each of whom has undergone a rigorous interview process to demonstrate their core competencies in tackling the most formidable data challenges on your behalf.

Advantages of Employing Data Scientists from Miracle Group:

✔ Punctual Delivery

✔ Honesty and Transparency

✔ Extensive Technical Expertise

✔ Round-the-Clock Technical

✔ Assistance Regular Reporting (Daily/Weekly/Monthly)

✔ Affordable Pricing

✔ Adaptable Hiring Options

✔ Dynamic Development Approach

✔ Authorized Source Code Access

✔ Freedom from Long-Term Contracts

Our Enhanced Capabilities

By establishing a AI & ML development center, we offer our tailored engagement models cater to the unique needs by providing B2B and B2C Dedicated development support.


Agile Developers







Certified Scrum Masters

Work at Your Time Zone

Easy Communication

Hire in 48 Hours

In Business Since 2011

5/5 Pro User Rating

To recruit a data scientist from our team, please reach out to us via email, phone, or complete our contact form with accurate information. You can also engage in an online chat with us or arrange a meeting with our account managers to explore your needs and converse with our data scientists.

Recruiting your first data scientist presents a significantly greater challenge than hiring a software developer. It's advisable to engage with an offshore development company like Miracle Group, which boasts a roster of skilled and seasoned data scientists. Miracle Group initiates the process by thoroughly assessing your needs and then offering you the most fitting candidates who align with your precise requirements or business objectives.

Absolutely! At Miracle Group, our approach to finding the top data scientists starts well before the interview stage. We have an organized process in place that allows you to evaluate potential candidates' skills and streamline the hiring process after the initial profile screening.

Not at all! We offer various engagement models that enable you to hire anywhere from a single data scientist to a complete team of data scientists, depending on your specific needs.

Certainly! You have the freedom to browse through the profiles of our available candidates when you decide to hire data scientists through our services. After reviewing their experience, skills, portfolios, recommendations, and more, you can create a shortlist and conduct one-on-one interviews to identify the data scientist who best aligns with your business needs.

Our team consists of certified and proficient data scientists with a wide range of expertise in various programming languages, frameworks, databases, libraries, and tools. For further details, you can refer to the comprehensive technology stack provided above.

Absolutely, we sign NDAs with all of our clients to guarantee complete transparency, confidentiality, and privacy, strictly adhering to the rules of implementation.


Top 1% IT Talent

Interested in revolutionizing your business through cutting-edge workflow automation? Our expertise lies in assisting you in adopting the next generation of e-forms, data analytics, and data visualization tools, all powered by the latest advancements in workflow automation technology.


Time Zone Aligned

Interested in revolutionizing your business through cutting-edge workflow automation? Our expertise lies in assisting you in adopting the next generation of e-forms, data analytics, and data visualization tools, all powered by the latest advancements in workflow automation technology.


Experienced Team

Interested in revolutionizing your business through cutting-edge workflow automation? Our expertise lies in assisting you in adopting the next generation of e-forms, data analytics, and data visualization tools, all powered by the latest advancements in workflow automation technology.

How Can We Help?

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